The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104934   Message #2160515
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
30-Sep-07 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Jena 6 Controversy
Subject: RE: BS: The Jena 6 Controversy
A lot of nonsense is written about African-American treatment in the courts in the South. If one looks at the statistics, compiled in a lead article by "The Black Commentator," African-American incarceration by percentage:
          Ratio of Black to White prisoners
Wisconsin               11.60
Iowa                   11.60
Texas                   5.14
Oklahoma                4.63
Arizona                  5.24
Delaware                6.56
Nevada                   4.29
Oregon                   6.03
California               5.87
Colorado                6.98
For a number of other reasons, the states listed above are considered to be the worst for incarceration of Blacks, in spite of higher ratios in New York and Illinois. Read the article for details, link below.

Mississippi             4.12
Louisiana                5.94
Alabama                  4.50
S. Carolina             4.99
Georgia                  4.14
Maryland                6.8
N. Carolina             6.08
Delaware                6.56
Virginia                6.28
Tennessee                5.08
NEW YORK                9.47
Arkansas                4.48
ILLINOIS                7.53

All eleven southern states lock up noticeably higher per capita numbers of their whole populations, black, white and otherwise, than do New York and Illinois. But southern rates of disparity between black and white imprisonment do not approach those of Illinois at 7.5 to one or New York's 9.5 to one. The article concludes that 'the Old South' is just not a good place to be poor, whether one is black or white.

Ten Worst Places to be Black

In New York, African-Americans and Latinos constitute 25% of the population, but 83% of all New York state prisoners are African-American. Drug convictions skew the NY figures somewhat, but are about 20% of the total.
For New York figures, see New York

Alan Bean belongs with Sharpton and that ilk; much talk, little substance.