The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67979   Message #2160716
Posted By: Celtaddict
30-Sep-07 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Cattycorner, Cattywampus
Subject: RE: Folklore: Cattycorner, Cattywampus
We used catercorner often to mean diagonal, and catawampus (usually pronounced 'cattywampus') less often to mean completely deranged, in Oklahoma in the 1950s. My family also had 'widdershins' from my Scots grandmother; 'gane widdershins roon' was used for 'messed up completely' and it was not until decades later I learned it meant in Scots, 'gone counterclockwise around' and referred to going round a church, used in some spells or charms. Galleywest I did not pick up until I moved to New England.