The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103151   Message #2160724
Posted By: Nancy King
30-Sep-07 - 07:46 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2007 program planning (with schedule!)
Subject: RE: Getaway 2007 program planning
I'm sure you'll all agree it's high time for a word from the Getaway program committee, so here goes.

We're running a little later than we'd like this year, due to people being out of town or sick or otherwise unable to get together, but we do have a PRELIMINARY, PARTIAL list of workshops. Leaders have not yet been confirmed in several cases, and of course everything is subject to change right up to the last moment. The actual schedule won't be ready until much later, and we'll post a more complete workshop list when we get a few more things nailed down, but for now (in no particular order), we're planning on

Songs of peace around the world

Folksongs for children

Massage for musicians (Maria Fakhoury)

Guts and Gore: a celebration of gratuitous violence (Barry Finn &   Edmund Thomas)

Swing Guitar (Sylvia Herold)

Banjo (Joe Newberry)

Gospel (Andy Wallace and ?)

Ballads (John Roberts and ?)

Vocal Clinic (Lisa Null)

Songs about whores (Mary Sullivan)

Paired songwriting (Ernie Johnson)

Songwriters' showcase

Country Jam


Mountain songs

...and lots more!

I for one can hardly wait! See you there!
