The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105149   Message #2161330
Posted By: GUEST,Neil D
01-Oct-07 - 02:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Universal Medicine in the USA.
Subject: RE: BS: Universal Medicine in the USA.
I've seen cited on another thread the high cost of doing business for doctors as an argument against universal haelthcare. The highest cost of doing business in many cases is their malpractice insurance premium. In some regions this is driving some doctors out of fields like ostetrics completetly. Once again insurance is the problem. If malpractice insurance were nationalized along with health insurance would this smooth the way toward universal coverage.
   How about more in the way of grants instead of loans for qualified medical students to get rid of some of that debt burden. I've always thought that free public education should be extended through college anyway. If 12 years of public school was a good idea in the 19th century 16 years should be the equivalent in the 21st.
   If some of the financial burdens on doctors could be eased the medical community might be less hostile to the concept of universal healthcare, although the insurance industry would be more obstructionist than ever.