The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20020   Message #216147
Posted By: Amergin
22-Apr-00 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! Part 20
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! Part 20
Kelida, the Highwayman is one of the best poems ever written. You did great justice to it. I love your piece.

Here's my song (the feeble attempt it is):

The Woods I Loved So Well (Tune: Town I Loved So Well)

In my memory I will always see
The woods I loved so well
Where I walked the green halls, in the spring and the fall
As I would sing through the green dusty smell
Running home by the rails, and down the dark trails
Past the dyke, and down by the river
Those were happy days, in so many ways
In the woods I loved so well

In the early morn with a sound so forlorn
The rooster would sing his grand wake up call
Would wake the farmers to work on their lands,
Milk the cows; feed their horses and hogs.
At the end of each day, I would roam my own way
Hear birds singing in the sunlight
Their chests puffed with pride, my heart swelled inside
In the woods I loved so well

There was music there in the wooded air
That made me want to sing my best
The birds danced in the trees and mingled with the bees
As I stopped to take my rest
Then I had to move and to tell you the truth
I never wanted to leave my home behind me
For I learned about love from the skies above
In the woods I loved so well

When I came back, how my eyes went black
To see all those trees razed to the floor
By the lumberjack and the tractor cat
The dust is blown onto every door
Now there are houses installed by the old cliffside wall
And the damn foundations get higher and higher
With their hammers and their trucks, oh my god what have they done?
To the woods I loved so well

Now the birds are gone, but I still sing on
Though nature is bruised, bruised but never broken
For my ears are ringing, with the silence of their singing
I look forward to their songs to come again
For the houses are bought, so are the empty lots
And the trees are lost and gone forever
I can only pray the birds come back someday
To the place they loved so well.
