The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103749   Message #2161634
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
02-Oct-07 - 01:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: News of Note (was 'I Read it . . .')
Subject: RE: BS: News of Note (was 'I Read it . . .')
So, what shouldn't we be aware of now that it's October?

Welcome to October. And as you settle into this crisp new month, we offer this advice: Please be sure you are aware at all moments.

Aware of what? Just about everything.

Some journalists have labeled October "National Month Month" because it's been claimed by so many awareness campaigns that we don't know what to be aware of first. According to the National Health Information Center, October is second only to May for monthlong health awareness campaigns.

You probably know already that it's National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, with its pink ribbons and fundraising. But October is also the month we should be aware of — ready for this? — healthy lungs, eye injury prevention, dental hygiene, lupus, celiac disease, Down syndrome, spina bifida, sudden infant death syndrome, physical therapy, chiropractic health and Halloween safety. Among other issues. All month long.

Of course, there are plenty of other health issues that don't get the full month, so don't forget those. Oct. 10 is World Mental Health Day. Oct. 22 is International Stuttering Awareness Day. And Oct. 31 is Interstitial Cystitis Awareness Day. (You probably wanted to dress up in some silly costume and trick-or-treat. Thoughtless.)

[There's a lot more to the story but the online version is truncated. If I can get my scanner to work (it has it's moments, and this is not one of them) I'll send the rest. Easier that having to read all of my typos.]