The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104392   Message #2161957
Posted By: CarolC
02-Oct-07 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dennis
Subject: RE: BS: Dennis
From the forum on Dennis' campaign website...

It is clear that the impeachment issue is back on the front burner and cooking. Therefore, I am reposting the dual list of top and 2d tier impeachment cosponsor prospects.

Our website has gained over 2,000 members since I last posted this and this seems to be good time for a repost for the benefit of newer members.

This list was supplied to me by David Swanson, Kucinich's former Press Secretary from the 2004 campaign, who now runs the website David has been in DC a lot lobbying House members to cosponsor the Cheney impeachment bill and his list gives us a divining rod to zero in on the most important people to contact.

The top tier list is composed of the most likely and most important members to contact. The 2d tier list are those Reps who were cosponsors of the Alberto Gonzalez impeachment bill, a bill that probably led in part to him resigning.

Here are the 6 toll-free numbers you can use to contact any member of the House. MAKE SURE YOU CONTACT YOUR OWN REP FIRST. Tell the operator which Rep you want to talk to,

Ask the staffer who answers that want that Rep to COSPONSOR(that's the key word) House Resolution 333(don't say HR 333, which is a different bill altogether).

I also have the email addresses for John Conyers and Nancy Pelosi.

Call M-F 9 am-6 pm Eastern time.







TOP TIER PROSPECTS( 30-plus names):

John Hall; Maurice Hinchey; Jesse Jackson Jr; Diane Watson; John Lewis; Neil Abercrombie; Lois Capps; Michael Capuano; Danny Davis; Chaka Fattah(male); Michael Honda; Carolyn Maloney; Betty McCollum; Gwen Moore; James Oberstar; John Olver; Charlie Rangel; Steve Rothman; Hilda Solis; Pete Stark; John Tierney; Nydia Velasquez; David Wu; William Delahunt; Bobby Scott; Artur Davis; Mel Watt; Luis Gutierrez; Zoe Lofgren; Robert Wexler; Linda Sanchez; Debbie Wasserman Schulz; Jerrold Nadler;

John Conyers(his email address:

Nancy Pelosi's email addresses:

cc her at:

2d TIER COSPONSOR PROSPECTS(about 20 names): Jay Inslee; Xavier Becerra; Michael Arcuri; Ben Chandler; Dennis Moore; Bruce Braley; Tom Udall; Earl Blumenauer; Peter DeFazio; Darlene Hooley; Tim Bishop; Barney Frank; Ed Perlmutter; Shelley Berkley; Raul Grijalva; Ed Pastor; Ellen Tauscher; Rush Holt; Jim McGovern; Gary Ackerman