The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105181   Message #2162167
Posted By: Severn
02-Oct-07 - 02:09 PM
Thread Name: Happy Birthday Mudcat 1 Oct 2007

A place where entirely too much of my precious time has been all too well spent in the last nearly three years to the point where my own cat is jealous of one of mere mud.

A place where I've met many lasting friends, some eventually in person and a whole lot more in print, and where I intend to meet many more in years to come.

A place whose residents have housed me and been housed and exchanged local information back and forth with me on our travels and will continue to do so. A true "brotherhood of the road".

A place where I've found some of the best sets of lyrics I've ever partially forgotten and some of the best singing and playing that I'm sure I'll never forget.

A place where many of us have sharpened our writing skills on each other and have learned much worth actually writing about.

THANKS, to all involved in any way!!!!!!!

(If you don't know who you are, check your mirror or your wallet)...