The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105181   Message #2162341
Posted By: Bill D
02-Oct-07 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: Happy Birthday Mudcat 1 Oct 2007
well....I figgered 'Spaw would have a thread going before I got home! It was an incredible experience to meet him and his family...finally! And realizing it was on Mudcat's B-day was somehow appropriate.

(Spaw is...(heck, I have MET him...I can call him Pat now!) really a treasure...for all the reasons you know, and a few you don't. And Karen is...well...I see why he has bragged on her for years. And son Tristian came too - he is an expert on trucks and where they go, and on finding things people have lost.

   We talked to and at each other for several hours, and could have done many more...but another time. It is quite a special thing to meet someone you have 'known' for over 10 years, and finding out it is better than you realized....icing on the cake.

Rita & I took a couple pics of the 'experience'...will post them when my head quits buzzing from the trip.

oh...yeah...Happy Birthday Mudcat....from old Bill, who posted in late Oct. of '96, and hasn't quit yet!