The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102499   Message #2162525
Posted By: Ron Davies
03-Oct-07 - 12:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
Subject: RE: BS: Crash of U.S. Economy
Doug R--

"... a couple of left-wing Washington Post writers". Now, let's see--it appears Robert Samuelson is one of those "left-wing writers". So let's just take a look at a few of his columns, shall we?

"Prius Politics": "Prius politics is mostly about showing off, not curbing greenhouse gas emissions".   And how about "A Full Tank of Hypocrisy"--?: "It's fun to blame unpopular occurrences on corporate greed".

Yup, sounds like Samuelson's a left-wing pinko commie Red, all right. Brilliant, Doug.

Tell me, is doing just a bit of research always too much of a burden for you? Pobrecito. (No wonder you're a Bush voter--and no wonder US foreign policy is such a triumph, with giant intellects like your good self cheering Bush on.)

Are you just imitating your mighty leader, the Chickenhawk- (and Chowderhead)- in Chief?

Or maybe you just don't like anybody shaking your house of cards. The market is overvalued. We'll find out what that means eventually.    Who knows what the timeframe will be? But I'm sorry to have to tell you that you're wrong about Mr. Samuelson. The only criticism easily levelled against him is that he is a columnist, and, as I pointed out earlier in the thread, alarm is in their DNA.

But it's OK. Eventually we'll learn to just accept the fact that it's not reasonable to expect you actually think and do some work before hitting "send".

Looking forward to your next tightly-argued posting. Thanks for the cheap entertainment.