The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104731   Message #2162625
Posted By: Folkiedave
03-Oct-07 - 07:01 AM
Thread Name: how important is the label traditional singer?
Subject: RE: how important is the label traditional singer?
Roberts[it would appear] wanted to pass it off as traditional[could that have been that he thought collectors wouldnt have collected it if they knew it wasnt traditional]or could it have been that he thought it didnt matter that it was self composed, of course Roberts is another grey area being both a traditional and revival singer].

Dick - we didn't start digging in the North Sea until the mid/late 1960's (North Sea Gas was discovered in 1965) so "The Oily Rig" is hardly likely to be very old is it? I don't know if Bob Roberts wrote "The Oily Rig" himself - but how the hell could he have passed it off as traditional?

As usual Dick you have seem to have great difficulty in distinguishing between facts and your opinion. What's all this about "...It would appear" or as you go on to say "....could he have thought that collectors etc etc...." Only to you Dick - you made those bits up yourself and I cannot for one minute imagine anyone would agree with you.

Finally when you say Bob Roberts was a traditional and a revival singer - are you sure you don't mean he sang songs he had learnt orally and he sang songs he learnt from printed material?

Many singers do that.

So if that isn't what you meant, what did you mean?