The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20678   Message #216309
Posted By: Rick Fielding
22-Apr-00 - 11:00 PM
Thread Name: Love the 'CAT' Balance Right Now.
Subject: Love the 'CAT' Balance Right Now.
I know we've weathered a couple of wacky periods here at Mudcat recently and I thought I might start something to let Max (and anyone else) know what a neat phase it seems to be in right now. My dad believed in cycles and so do I.

Even though I've been busy lately, I haven't been able to tear myself away at times. 'Course the only other activity that's sufferin' is hockey playoffs and Blue Jays on the tube.

I've had lots of fun this week reading and getting involved in about 20 strong musical threads and at least 8 or 9 political ones. These seem to be co-habiting nicely with the "Tavern Fantasy" ones, and even the flamers (I haven't seen ALL their posts) are being somewhat witty along with the insults.

One thing that really helps are the new names that are starting to pop up on a regular basis now. There's some darn good writing in both the folk and other threads. Barring earthquakes or ASCAP we should be having fun for a while. Of course it'll get weird again from time to time, but as Lee Hays used to say "It will pass. I've had gallstones and I know".

Any newcomers (or old farts) wanna throw their two cents in?
