The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4080   Message #21631
Posted By: John in Brisbane
17-Feb-98 - 10:25 PM
Thread Name: ? How to name chords in Midi files?
Subject: ? How to name chords in Midi files?
There is such a profusion on Midi tunes on the Web now. I have picked up some interesting Celtic tunes to play that I may never have otherwise found. Most have an accompanying track of guitar or piano rhythm, and while the actual performances may not be too scintillating, the chords arrangements are usually pretty good.

So here's a problem - a great potential source of guitar chords to accompany folk tunes and songs, and no easy way to decipher them apart from my ear. Yes, I could display or print them using NoteWorthy or some other package, but that would just be a series of dots notating a chord on a standard music stave - and my interpretive skills don't run to that yet.

Does anyone please know how I can get an output from a Midi file which gives an interpretation of simple 3 or 4 note chords?

(By way of example Carolan's Concerto will often stump even the better Celtic guitarists who rely upon their ear to come up with chords. I don't know how to get out of here to nominate an address to locate this tune, but dare say that some one else will fairly soon).

Regards John