The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20678   Message #216319
Posted By: catspaw49
22-Apr-00 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: Love the 'CAT' Balance Right Now.
Subject: RE: Love the 'CAT' Balance Right Now.
Ah screw that Meebo.....Look, I'm looking for a bunch of folks who are willing to help out on my latest venture which Rick suggested in the "E-Bay vs. Local Music store" thread. See, I can make a killing in the "Organically Grown Amish Asparagus" market and all I need is some folks to lay around for 3 or so months on their stomachs whilst I harvest the greenery growing from their rumps.

Come to think of it, as a BumGardner there might be a lot of money in the right kind of "Poopies." The drug guys would be after me, but I could put up a nude beach sign and have the poppy growing folks stay there....sorta' a camoflage by openess thing.

Spaw-the mix is good Rick...nothing too wacky going on---You're right!!