The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20678   Message #216327
Posted By: Kelida
22-Apr-00 - 11:29 PM
Thread Name: Love the 'CAT' Balance Right Now.
Subject: RE: Love the 'CAT' Balance Right Now.
The music threads are wonderful. If I have a question, it usually gets answered; I learn a lot from the ones I know little or nothing about; and I enjoy being able to help people that have questions that I do know something about.

The Enterprise thread has been great fun, even though all I've contributed is a couple of songs. The song challenges are always exciting--even though I don't contribute to all of them, there's a lot of great stuff from other people.

The political "BS" has been great in that it's always nice to have a civil conversation about controversial topics with people who are willing to discuss rather than argue. I've found, though, that I have the best conversations with people that I don't really know--I'd like to get to know everyone here better, though.

The flamers can be frustrating, but I sometimes wonder if they are truly trying to be malicious or if they just have a strange concept of fun? Maybe, too, they just have a problem with articulating what their REAL problems are.

All in all, the Mudcat has been a very positive experience for me, and I hope to spend a lot of time here. I also hope that I will get to know more people and that I will learn as much as I can from the people who are way more knowlegeable than me and that I can teach what little I know.
