The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105034   Message #2163314
Posted By: Mickey191
03-Oct-07 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Favourite TV Ad
Subject: RE: BS: Favourite TV Ad
Tonight 3 new commercials:

The Best: Five Chimps in a line doing Irish Step dancing with great lively music.

Geico using a film clip of Jed Clampett's old shack & because he switched to Geico--he's now in a mansion.

THE MOST PECULIAR: Barbara Bush CLOSE-UP telling us to spend more time with our kids so they will not drink, smoke, or inject vile potions into their limbs. JEEZE-She must have been camped out on the back forty while BushBaby was growing up! I had to laugh out loud at the bloody nerve. Funny time to put this up--Just after GWB vetoed the kid's health coverage bill.