The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104731   Message #2163857
Posted By: GUEST
04-Oct-07 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: how important is the label traditional singer?
Subject: RE: how important is the label traditional singer?
"I am left to wonder if the "conflict" wasn't staged in order to create interest in a subject that, sadly, is not more widely considered".
Damn it Bond, our cover is blown!
Tom Bliss and , Hope your tour went well.
I agree absolutely with yours and Brian P's summing up of the necessity and the pitfalls of separating the two. If we are to understand the tradition it is essential; for a singer this may not be the case, but I feel that an understanding of the background and origins can help sing the songs.
Tom - Would appreciate if you could point me to the Living Tradition which carried your pamphlet.
Feel free to use anything I have posted.
Jim Carroll
PS Regarding the Cap'n and my set-toos.
Our problem seems to be that while we seem to be interested in the same aspects of singing, we appear to be coming from different directions. Personally, I have no problem with robust, even heated argument, but I do become disturbed when it turns unnecessarily nasty.
I decided at one stage that I wouldn't respond to the Cap'n's postings, but I find that goes against the grain. If s**t and hair start to fly again, I'll go back to that decision, failing that, you'll all have to wait till the decree absolute comes through.