The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104873   Message #2163995
Posted By: Don Firth
04-Oct-07 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: Don Firth & Bob Nelson in concert again
Subject: RE: Don Firth & Bob Nelson in concert again
Oh, heck! Bob, I'm afraid Rapaire has us nailed in his pre-view just above.

On a sit-com I was watching a few months back, one of the characters listened to a couple of old geezers sitting around clearing their throats. He said something like, "You guys ought to form a singing group. You could call yourselves 'The PhlegmTones!'"

I wonder if that name is copyrighted. If not, maybe we could. . . ?

I'm reminded of a couple quotes from the plays of the Immortal Bard:
Shall we clap into't roundly, without hawking or spitting or saying we are hoarse, which are the only prologues to a bad voice?
                              â€”William Shakespeare (As You Like It, Act V, scene 3).
An he had been a dog that should have howled thus, they would have hanged him.
                              â€”William Shakespeare (Much Ado About Nothing), Act II, scene 3)
Actually, our practice sessions are going pretty well, so if we have a good tail-wind, we should be able to lay down a pretty fair concert program.


No, really!

Don Firth