The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105233   Message #2165765
Posted By: Alba
07-Oct-07 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: Happy Birthday Micca
Subject: RE: Happy Birthday Micca
Another day another..oh never mind...*smile*

Oh Mighty Micca. Greetings, on this the 4th Day of your Birth Month Thread.
Now justin case you get to wondering apon your arrival here at Logan.
Slight probs with 'rolling out the red carpet'. Seems that the only Carpet in storage there was a white Carpet!!. Never fear. I went and bought several boxes of nasty cheap red plonk and spent a while yesterday pouring said plonk on the white Carpet. Left it out on runway 4 to dry in the sun...:)
It is now...kind of...reddish.

Hopefully Morgana is talking to you again...

The excitement builds.
Love and Light,