The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2165817
Posted By: Amos
07-Oct-07 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
More on the blandishments of Bush on the SCHIP veto:

"Misleading Spin on Children's Health

Published: October 5, 2007
Trying to justify his ideologically driven veto of a bill to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program, President Bush and his staff have fired a barrage of misinformation about this valuable program. Before the House votes on whether to override the veto, all members — especially those from Mr. Bush's party who say they are concerned about millions of uninsured children — must look behind the rhetoric.

Mr. Bush stretched the truth considerably when he told an audience in Lancaster, Pa., that he has long been a strong supporter of the S-chip program. "I supported it as governor, and I support it as president of the United States," he said. As governor of Texas, Mr. Bush fought — unsuccessfully — to restrict the state's program to children with family incomes up to 150 percent of the poverty level, well below the 200 percent allowed by federal law. As president, he is again trying to shrink the program for the entire country. His proposed five-year budget does not provide enough to continue enrollments at current levels, let alone cover millions of the uninsured."...

It looks like his propensity for feeding the American public horse--manure is unchecked; he has not reflected on his need for penance or sought to change his lying ways. He is a reprobate, and he is incorrigible.