The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105278   Message #2166475
Posted By: Bobert
08-Oct-07 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: www.crooked
Subject: RE: BS: www.crooked
Question: Why does New Jersey have all the toxic waste dumps and Washington, D.C. all the lawyers???

Answer: New Jersey won the coin flip and got to pick 1st... BaDoom...

Awww, nevermind them lawyer jokes...

I've had lots of dealings with lawyers over the years and most are fine people but if you need one it doesn't hurt to ask around for recommendations... And another thing, lawyers ain't one size fits all so you have to find the right one for your particular need... I've got one who does estates, wilkls and complicated probate stuff that prolly couldn't defend himself for jay-walking... And then I know another guy who is foul mouthed and screams and rants with other folks attorneys and finds ways of getting things "settled" without having to go to court... Like I said, ask around...
