The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105278   Message #2167049
Posted By: Joe Offer
09-Oct-07 - 03:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: www.crooked
Subject: RE: BS: www.crooked
I still regret that I didn't buy flowers from my divorce lawyer when the divorce was finished, back in 1993. My lawyer was just terrific - even my ex-wife liked and trusted her her more than her own lawyer. My lawyer said her first interest was the welfare of the children, and she didn't want to represent anybody who wanted to take his or her former spouse "to the cleaners."

My lawyer's hourly rate wasn't cheap, but she didn't bill me for all the time she spent. She said her secretary got after her for not billing all the hours she was entitled to.

I think if you want to be honest and honorable in a court proceeding, you can find an honest lawyer quite easily. If you want to be a cheapskate or if you want to take advantage of somebody else, you may find a hard time finding an honest lawyer to represent you. My ex-wife was (and is) a cheapskate, and she ended up relying on my lawyer to get the job done.
