The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105241   Message #2167821
Posted By: Stu
10-Oct-07 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Can Bush Be Stopped from Invading...
Subject: RE: BS: Can Bush Be Stopped from Invading...
"What are you Bush and Cheney haters going to work yourselves into a lather about when none of these dire things you predict happen?"

Because before your buddies kicked this whole misjudged episode off many people predicted this mess would happen, and it did happen - the war in Iraq that was based on lies and corporate profit, the laughable idea that somehow Saddam had anything to do with 9/11 and the astonishing fact monkey boy and his shooting partner had no contingency in place to cope with the inevitable insurgency (unless you include Halliburton coining it in on the back of a nation's misery).

The fact Bush let Al Quaeda into a country where it wasn't before, the torture and abuse of human rights in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the utter desertion of morality and basic humand decency demonstrated by the kidnap ('rendition') and torture of people by the CIA in defiance of the due process of law . . . etc etc

What is truly amazing is the Bush and Cheny apologists still live in their bubble of ignorance and deluded self-interest.

Dead Amercian soldiers. Dead Iraqi civilians. Moral Corruption. The total abandonment of any sense of humilty and decency. A belligerent USA in the Middle East. Un-effing-believable.

Happy now?