The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20709   Message #216854
Posted By: catspaw49
24-Apr-00 - 12:54 AM
Well here you are Blind Waxin' Max.....another year has passed and now you approach that age when you're almost half as old as Bert. Just imagine.......Double your lifetime and you'll be much like Bert is now!!! And look at Bert.....Look at what you'll have to look forward to and.....uh...........hmmmm.............OK.. well, fock that.......Let's talk of the good things you have to look forward to as you age. I mean take me for example. You're within a few years of the age I was when I had my first back surgery, and with a few more years there'd be another and then of course the course the heart attacks and quad by-pass come along and the ablation and then the aneurism and the small intestine removal and ......uh.........hmmmmmmmm..........OK....fock that too...........Let's see......HEY, I got it! Age will grant you wisdom, like Bill and Kendall, and bless you with the same open mindedness and positive attitude that they possess and you can.......uh, yeah.........well...alright,.......fock that too.............oy...................................

Just give're screwed, blued, and tatooed if you keep hangin' out with the likes of us..........

Happy Birthday anyway.....I guess............sorta'..............Say, Cletus could probably use you on the Bum Gardening "Organically Grown Amish Asparagus" growing team if you get tired of the 'Cat and want in on the ground floor with Cletus, Paw, and the Reg boys latest scheme. With those guys you could .... uh........nah.....geeziz, NOBODY needs that crap.........ah ta' hell with it...................happy birthday.
