The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99731   Message #2168734
Posted By: Wolfgang
11-Oct-07 - 08:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Global warming - the myth
Subject: RE: BS: Global warming - the myth
Gore's climate film has scientific errors

An Inconvenient Truth, was yesterday criticised by a high court judge who highlighted what he said were "nine scientific errors" in the film....
Mr Justice Barton said many of the claims made by the film were supported by the weight of scientific evidence and he identified four main hypotheses, each of which is very well supported "by research published in respected, peer-reviewed journals and accords with the latest conclusions of the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]."

The title the GUARDIAN used for the article focuses upon the errors. "Gore's film basically right" could also have been a correct title line.
I am pleased that the judge agrees with me that Gore's information about hurricanes is erroneous.
