The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105241   Message #2169211
Posted By: Bobert
11-Oct-07 - 07:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can Bush Be Stopped from Invading...
Subject: RE: BS: Can Bush Be Stopped from Invading...
Okay, Robo...

This was brought out earlier and I rephrase the question changin' the word "invade" to "bomb"...

Different story here... Of course everyone knows that the US military is stretched too thin in ground troops but has lots of missles and bombers...

Word on the street that Bush and Co. have been having serious discussions about one more "shock and awe" before they leave... Bush has abosolutely nothing to loose in terms of his legacy... Thta is allready shot... So what's to prevent him from using Iranian intervention in Iraq as an excuse to "bomb" Iran without Cogressional approval???

The White House hasm afetrall, changed it's story in the last few weeks on Iran from "Iran is trying to build a nuke", which would require Congressional authority for any attack, to "Iran is helping the terrorists in Iraq", which Bush could say, "Hey, we're just doing what Congress alrerady said we could do..."

What am I missing here???
