The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102942   Message #2169908
Posted By: MoorleyMan
12-Oct-07 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: Oxfam - Oxjam
Subject: RE: Oxfam - Oxjam
Just a reminder for all you insomniacs that Oxjam Leeds is tomorrow -Sat 13th - at St James Church, Manston, East Leeds (very close to the ring road), starting at 2 pm.

The "folky bit" of the day is scheduled from 7 till 10 pm, with headliners the fabulous DUNCAN McFARLANE ACOUSTIC BAND, preceded by the enigmatic Stanley Accrington, with - earlier in the evening - sets by local folk stars Gerry McNeice, David Kidman, Heather Woodhead and Russ Hughes.
Should be a great evening and deserves yr support.

Link is (you'll have to cut&paste, the blue clicky doesn't seem to work for me!)