The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105358   Message #2170063
Posted By: quantock
13-Oct-07 - 01:03 AM
Thread Name: melodeon tuning
Subject: RE: melodeon tuning
I retuned the third in the B maj chord to make it a B min on my Hohner Pokerwork about 15 years ago. I love it that way.

I also flipped over the D/E reed plate on the G row so I now have those notes in both bellows directions. It has been a hard slog to relearn tunes with that change, but the effort has been worth it. I can get better sounding chords in so many tunes now. I believe this mod is popular with Dutch players, but it works well for me playing English and American dance tunes.

I will be changing again soon though. I have a new Castagnari Mori 2 1/2 row box on order (Andy Cutting layout). I cant wait for it to arrive.

On a different topic, I just joined the Mudcat group on Facebook. I encourage everyone to jump in too. It's a barrel of laughs and you get to see what folks really look like!