The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105482   Message #2171336
Posted By: Trevor
15-Oct-07 - 03:19 AM
Thread Name: Translation from Scots/English please?
Subject: Translation from Scots/English please?
Can anybody help me to understand this please? It was apparently written by Robert Carver in the 16th Century. Some of it is obvious but I'm struggling with some of the more obscure words and phrases. Thanks.

Wo worth the tyme and eik the place
That scho wes to me knaw'n
For sine I did behald her face
My hairt was nevir my aw'n
My aw'n jo, my awn; my awn jo, my awn;
My hairt was nevir my awn.

Sumtyme I lyff't at libertie
Bot nou I doe nocht so.
Scho hes my hairt so faithfullie,
That I can lufe no mo;
No mo jo, no mo; no mo jo, no mo;
That I can lufe no mo.

To be refuist of luf, allace,
All erdlie joy's, adewe.
My mistress scho is merciles,
And will nocht on me rew;
Me rew jo, me rew; me rew jo, me rew;
And will nocht on me rew.

Nou am I leff't all confortles
And no remeid can craif.
My painis arre remediles,
And all the wyt yow haif;
Yow haif jo, yow haif; yow haif jo, yow haif;
And all the wyt yow haif.