The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105381   Message #2171897
Posted By: Richard Bridge
15-Oct-07 - 06:31 PM
Thread Name: Trad. players show signs of boredom ?
Subject: RE: Trad. players show signs of boredom ?
Hmm, Bonzo likes playing with himself? Snigger.

Jack Campin, I don't personally like Dylan stuff, he can't sing, can't play, nicks some of his melodies and has others that are whiny. But when he gets it right he produces some of the most singable whistleable hummable memorisable contemporary tunes. Who could forget Mighty Quinn - or the Nice's version of the one that goes "She's got everything she needs, she's an artist she don't look back". I think you are denigrating the wrong target there.