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Thread #105544   Message #2173171
Posted By: PoppaGator
17-Oct-07 - 04:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ahmahdinejad & Chavez- Progressives!
Subject: RE: BS: Ahmahdinejad & Chavez- Progressives!
I don't see anything except a New York Post masthead when I click the link. Too bad, I'm curious about how this was presented.

I'm no fan of American Imperialism as practiced by our current government and their corporate sponsors, but that doesn't mean I feel any comradery with the Islamic Jihadists, either. A curse on both their houses, sez I. Indeed, the very worst crime perpetrated by Bush and his neocon buddies is that they've done their utmost to prove the USA's critics right and to drive millions of young people worldwide into the arms of the terrorists.

I do have quite a bit more sympathy for the Latin American leftists, but I have my doubts that the most strident leaders amiong them are truly representing their people, and not just their own nasty selves (like most other politicians of every ideological stripe).