The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #20745   Message #217321
Posted By: Billy the Bus
24-Apr-00 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: Anzac Day in NZ
Subject: RE: Anzac Day in NZ
Just in for a mo to pick up my cans of "Bully Beef" (Hellaby's of course) and Cabin Bread for the Pot Luck - can't fink of anyfink more appropriate on this day - BTW "Bully" = Spam (I fink) - no spam...;)

Ta Spaw - it's goin' fine at Noon - everyone "sparking on four" We always had the Pot-luck in the evening, but this year the "Goldens" are just a tad too "Oldies" to last a full day on the turps.

"Lest we Forget" - Bugsey - methinks Eric Bogle's got the memory-lapse solved for a couple of generations. Wonderful song, isn't it!!!!

Helen, the Kuwaiti team have to wait an hour or three yet - hope they get back with how the singalong went. So do the 20,000+ for the BIG Dawn Parade at Gallipoli - truly multinational, and hosted by the Turks. Wish I could remember the Kemil Attaturk quote (ca 1935) that went along the lines of "Mothers, your sons are lying on our soil. We shall care for them as our own sons".

Off to fill the magic potion flask, and the PotLuck...

"Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye.."

Cheers - Sam