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Thread #105544   Message #2173426
Posted By: akenaton
18-Oct-07 - 03:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ahmahdinejad & Chavez- Progressives!
Subject: RE: BS: Ahmahdinejad & Chavez- Progressives!
The little countries with "oil wealth" are indeed in a perilous position.

With the rising economic strength of China and India, comes the need for more energy reserves. We in the West have enjoyed a wasteful unsustainable lifestyle for decades, simply to keep the Capitalist machine working.
The rulers of the Eastern empires see it in their personal interests to supply the same mindset to their people.

The time cant be far off when American military power is matched or even exceeded by China and Russia. The rulers of those nations know that a war for winner take all would be suicide, so I can see a grouping of the Evil Empires which will effectively control planet earth.
They will simply take what they need from weaker countries, the rule of International Law will be a thing of the past. All protest will be stamped out. All pretense of "democracy" will end. Attempts to curtail carbon emissions will be scrapped and the life of the planet will be numbered in decades rather than millions of years.

This nightmare is the alternative to tackling unfettered capitalism
There is another way, a way which was still practiced in my lifetime...hard but clean and rewarding.

Before long it will be too late to do anything, powerful voices are already talking of scrapping Koyoto and whipping up paranoia about small nations arming themselves with nuclear devices.

This would make control so much more difficult.