The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105544   Message #2174089
Posted By: robomatic
18-Oct-07 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ahmahdinejad & Chavez- Progressives!
Subject: RE: BS: Ahmahdinejad & Chavez- Progressives!
My comment was an attempt to get back to the subject of the thread by answering the even more tangential comments which brought the suffering masses of those other countries into play.

As I stated above, taking a somewhat analytical approach, I don't think we are preparing for an invasion of Iran for some pretty obvious and basic reasons: We don't have the resources.

Further tangential remark: The incredible suffering visited on many Muslim peoples from other Muslims, most recently in Pakistan today, when over 100 people were maimed and killed by explosions near Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan.

My point being that there are great powers in play other than the standard ploy of presenting the evil Westerners lording it over the humble people of the East.