The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105544   Message #2174353
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Oct-07 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ahmahdinejad & Chavez- Progressives!
Subject: RE: BS: Ahmahdinejad & Chavez- Progressives!
Robomatic, in reference to the original subject of your thread...yes it is ridiculous "to make an ideology sandwich of the Communist liberation of Che Guevara and the rigid autotheocracy of reactionary violent Islamists".... ;-)


But, remember the old saying: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

That's all that is going on with Venezuela and Iran right now. It's rather like when the Chinese and the Vietnamese were briefly "friends" during the years of the Vietnam War. They had always been enemies before America got involved in that war. They have returned to being enemies ever since American forces left Vietnam.

Nothing unites people like a greater common enemy...even if they are people who have little in common most of the time.

Now Venezuela and Iran are not natural enemies at all...they're too far away from each other for that, so all the more reason why they might unite now over a common threat from the USA and act like they have a great deal else in common, whether or not they really do. It's just ordinary political and strategic maneuvering. All countries do that sort of thing when it seems expedient. Their friends are friends of convenience. People, in general, tend to act that way too, I've noticed.