The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162   Message #217458
Posted By: Bev and Jerry
25-Apr-00 - 12:32 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Senor Don Gato
Subject: Lyr Add: SENOR CAT'S ROMANCE (Lucia M. Gonzalez)
We just found this really nice translation of the origial spanish lyrics in a book entitled "Senor Cat's Romance and other Favorite Stories from Latin America" by Lucia M. Gonzalez (copyright 1997). The translation is not literal and has been cosiderably embellished but it retains the flavor of the original much better than the commonly known English wodrds posted above.


Senor Sir Cat, on his golden throne sat,
in Spain, once upon a time,
drinking spiced milk in his stockings of silk
and his golden shoes, oh, so fine.

A servant in livery brought a note, hand delivery,
what wonderful news he carried!
Cried Senor Sir Cat, "Ah ha! Look at that!
It says that I am to be married!"

His new bride to be - oh, so lovely was she-
a Moorish cat, rich and well-bred.
and a sight to behold in her dress of bright gold,
and her fur of the softest orange-red.

The very next day, in a church by the bay.
Sir Cat and his true love were wed.
They served nougats and sweets,
Spanish wines, and fine meats,
oh, their guests were most sumptuously fed!

"Let me sing of my love to the stars up above!"
sang Sir Cat from the roof where he'd climbed.
Oh, the joy that he felt made his happy heart melt-
but perhaps he took leave of his mind.

So hapy was he caterwauling and howling,
and capering atop the church roof,
that too wildly he danced - and o'er the edge pranced-
hitting the ground with an OOF!

They called for the doctor, the surgeon, and barber,
who all said, "He cannot prevail!"
He's crushed his poor paw and he's broken his jaw
seven ribs and the tip of his tail!"

Next morning t'was time to bury the kind -
but foolish - Senor Sir Cat.
The Lady Cats wept, while the Tom Cats slept
wearing their black funeral hats.

The kittens wept sadly, their hearts broken badly,
"Miau-miau, miau-miau," they frowned.
But on each mouse's head, was a cap of bright red-
as they joyfully danced through the town.

In his coffin he rode, while friends solemnly strode,
in a line down the Alley of Fish.
But the sardines' aroma woke Sir Cat from his coma -
revived by his favorite dish!

When Sir Cat recovered, the mice he discovered,
and chased every one down the street.
Now it's no tale of wives that cats have seven lives!
But for now, friends...our tale is complete!

Bev and Jerry