The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105095   Message #2175050
Posted By: Janie
19-Oct-07 - 11:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another request for good thoughts et. al
Subject: RE: BS: Another request for good thoughts et. al
Finished up the tests today. Nobody jerked me off the treadmill and called an ambulance. The tech who did the carotid ultrasound volunteered that nothing looked 'interesting'(hooray), and the tech who did the heart ultrasound asked me if I could feel 'that skip.' (What skip?) I know that arrythmias are common and usually nothing to worry about. The other technicians and nurses were decidedly closed-mouthed, but the follow-up appointment with the MD is a week away, so there must not have been anything too alarming.

I think some really good news is coming down the pike that will cut out a lot of the work-related stress. I think I am going to get an acceptable job offer that will get me out of the vipers nest of a company that I currently work for. It will be administrative work that I don't find too exciting, and it would mean a cut in pay, but it with the agency I worked for before the State required them to start managing services instead of providing them directly. I was very happy with the goals and values of the organization the 14 years I worked for them. If they do indeed offer me the position, it will feel like going home.

I also have been working with a psychiatrist and another psychotherapist to get an office and a PLLC set up to start a private group practice. We are all very busy so it has taken much longer to get everything done that we had anticipated, but the attorney handling the legal end of stuff called today to say we can start advertising, and the carpet and essential furnishings should be delivered and in place by next week. So I can continue to do direct clinical practice (my true love) on a part time basis. As the practice builds, it should more than make up for any pay cut if I am offered the other job.

See what your well wishes, good thoughts and prayers can accomplish?
