The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105604   Message #2175137
Posted By: Richard Bridge
20-Oct-07 - 04:32 AM
Thread Name: Froots Board?
Subject: RE: Froots Board?
And, BTW, the Frooty favourite (who, our one legged flautist friend thinks, we must not be allowed to upset, and who has indeed in the past bragged on this board about running a folk club in Alsace and having to teach the locals about their own folk music) does little but insult others. Her entire premise is that no-one else apart from her little circle of preferred young musicians is good enough, and indeed that folk music itself is not good enough. Who made her queen?

The title of the deleted thread here, about pretentious bolleaux (to rhyme with gattocks) on the other board was right on the money.

Whether or not music is at first traditional, it cannot osmote into the tradition unless the community play and sing it. If you exclude all who do not meet imposed criteria, you cut all except from your chosen ruling classes off from the music except as passive consumers. That is the antithesis of folk music (I hope we all agree, whether we all agree on the 1954 definition or not) and looks suspiciously like the "manufactured from the top down" world of the music industry.