The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105604   Message #2175150
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
20-Oct-07 - 05:02 AM
Thread Name: Froots Board?
Subject: RE: Froots Board?
If Mr Bridge is attempting to refer to me (and I think he is - attempting, that is) he may wish to be informed that I have never run a flamin' f*lk club, never mind in Alsace, a province of France. I have promoted English music in Germany, specifically not 'local' German music and especially not 'Celtic', (an important distinction referred to in the opener of the fR thread which is actually about all aspects of 'professional' in music, especially managerial and organisational, and not at all specifically about performance). This he might have realised had he bothered to read the post.

Mr Bridge does not know me or else he would know that I have not gigged for more than 20 years, nor does he know who my musician friends are, still less their ages. Nor does he appear to know even who the fR Editor is. He does not play in a band named after the inventor of an agricultural implement but in one whose name resembles a fluttering giant cat.

The fR forum is for serious musical discussion which, by and large, it achieves. Invasions by inane airheads and self-important tossers who come home pissed from the pub are neither useful nor helpful.