The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105604   Message #2175151
Posted By: martin ellison
20-Oct-07 - 05:05 AM
Thread Name: Froots Board?
Subject: RE: Froots Board?
"I loosely fit the folk area of music, have published songs and released records. What gives?"

You should've added

"And how dare someone have an opinion that doesn't coincide with mine?"

Of course you can fling insults:
"you sanctimonious asshole"
"If she's so professional, why doesn't she get gigs?"
"a man with a great future behind him"
"pretentious bolleaux (to rhyme with gattocks)"
"Lady Muck or what? "

Etc, Etc but don't you think it would be more constructive to drop the infantile language and engage in a discussion. Are you claiming that the thread over on the froots board is more detrimental to the perception of folk music than your small-minded diatribe?

I agree with your following comment: "Must drink less" - you're not doing yourself any favours with your alcohol-fuelled insults.