The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105604   Message #2175383
Posted By: Jeri
20-Oct-07 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: Froots Board?
Subject: RE: Froots Board?
If Ian Anderson weren't gone, he might tell you that you obviously have your hands full minding your OWN business and you'd be better off doing that and letting him mind his.

Every last person bitching about what fRoots or I.A.A. do is coming off to me as a bit needy, boorish, weak and stupid. I'm not offended by much, but this need some of you have to piss all over everything other people care about offends me. People who join a website just to get involved in a figurative punch-up offend me, persistent whining offends me, and people who constantly search for excuses to debate with others just disgust me. This place would be a while lot better if you'd just shut the fuck up the next time you want to pick a fight just because you can.

I wish we had members-only posting and could eliminate some of this bickering and backbiting. I think some on fRoots may get hit by friendly fire, but not many. Judging by the dedication a small number of our most prolific British posters seem to have to continually proving how selfishly nasty they can be, I can understand why they're more strict. Why people don't have the ability to rein themselves in, somebody has to do it for them.

To the trolls and the biters of the bait: I see you. I NOTICE, and my opinions of people are based on what I've witnessed. I also know you probably don't care or you wouldn't have behaved like a petulant, spoiled brat to begin with.

One other thing I plan to do when they put me in charge of the world is to come up with some sort of test to ensure people aren't too drunk and angry to be safe posting. The combination can lead to people gaining the reputation of a fool because all of us can do some stupid things on the Internet when we're having a bit of a melt-down.