The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12161   Message #2175589
Posted By: Fred Maslan
20-Oct-07 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: nursery rhymes-Did You Teach 'Em To Your Kids?
Subject: RE: Did You Teach 'Em To Your Kids?
Funny thing, Just yesterday Raffi my son was wearing a "T" shirt with James Thurber cartoons on it, and I asked him (he is 22) if his friends knew who James Thurber was. He said mostly not, but that he was turning them on to his stories and cartoons. We reminisced about my reading him and his brother "The Thirteen Clocks" and "The Story of 'O'" and "The Red Deer". We have several very dog-eared copies of nursery rhymes and disintegrating copies of Oz books. The TV was banished for a good portion of their childhood so they are both voracious readers. They completely devoured a set of Shakespears plays. I remember one occasion when Raffi came home from school in tears because the librarian wouldn't let him take out a book that was beyond his grade level! Needless to say she heard from me.