The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104869   Message #2175759
Posted By: Valmai Goodyear
21-Oct-07 - 04:27 AM
Thread Name: Copper Family @ Lewes Arms, 20 Oct
Subject: RE: Copper Family @ Lewes Arms, 20 Oct
That was a terrific evening. My apologies to everyone for coming over sentimental, but it was very moving to hear those voices that are so clearly from the line that brought us Bob, Ron and Jim singing again in the heart of Sussex.

And they carried on on the pavement outside afterwards - a tribute to the warmth of the evening and the powers of Harveys Best Bitter (the Old is very good in this cold weather as well).

Thanks to everyone who performed and apologies to those I couldn't put on for lack of time, especially Liz Randall.

Valmai (Lewes)