The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105604   Message #2175911
Posted By: evansakes
21-Oct-07 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: Froots Board?
Subject: RE: Froots Board?
"You won't find any navel-gazing singer-songwriters in it, even if that's what some people call 'folk'..."

This is not true, Anahata. Firstly there are many people who recognise singer-songwriters as at least part of what they call 'folk'. Secondly your point illustrates my main gripe with fRoots in that they tar everyone with the same brush. If someone writes songs they are almost always perceived as "navel gazing" by fRoots. Especially if they happen to be American.

This is carved in editorial stone in the form of a regrettable 'Cultural Boycott' in effect a treaty seemingly aimed at all things American. The assumption is that all American singer-songwriters are standard bearers (or at least apologists) for American government policy.

This smug and superior stance is annoying enough but more galling is the magazine's hypocrisy. Take for example the case of Devon Sproule who graced the fRoots cover only a couple of months ago. She's without doubt American and a singer-songwriter. It's also not difficult to discern a confessional tone in some of her material ('navel-gazing' to some). This is not intended to be a criticism...I'm a big fan of Devon and her songs but it serves to illustrate grave double standards at fRoots.
