The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105604   Message #2175967
Posted By: treewind
21-Oct-07 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: Froots Board?
Subject: RE: Froots Board?
Wow, so many knee-jerk reactions to things I didn't actually say.

"Firstly there are many people who recognise singer-songwriters as at least part of what they call 'folk'"

I know. My post indicated that quite clearly. It also repeated Ian's assertion that fRoots in NOT A FOLK MAGAZINE.

"If someone writes songs they are almost always perceived as "navel gazing" by fRoots. Especially if they happen to be American."

Not necessarily: the distinction is clearly addressed by Diane's quote above, re fRoots policy on "roots-based music"...

The assumption is that all American singer-songwriters are standard bearers (or at least apologists) for American government policy.

You seem to be alone in making that assumption. I've just read (re-read, actually) the "cultural boycott" article and it doesn't say that at all.
What's closer to the truth is this: if you start covering American style introspective singer-songwriter material in a magazine, there is likely to be so much of it that everything else will be drowned out.

"This smug and superior stance is annoying enough but more galling is the magazine's hypocrisy. Take for example the case of Devon Sproule"

Great! Damned if they do and damned if they don't!

I should perhaps have said "you wont find much..." instead of "you wont find any..." but I can't comment with authority on that detail as I haven't heard any of Devon Sproulle's music. Your assessment certainly suggests it's an exception to the rule.

Anyway it boils down to Ian A. covering what he knows about and (as somebody said earlier) what he likes. I don't see that as a criticism. Mostly he is consistent with his stated policy, and if he isn't, why should we care. If you like it, buy the magazine, and if you don't, don't.
