The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105634   Message #2176679
Posted By: Rapparee
22-Oct-07 - 03:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Amazing conversation with a 19 yr. old..
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing conversation with a 19 yr. old..
Ebbie, I worked for 12 years in Geauga County and 16 in Elkhart County -- both of them have Amish populations that are quite large. I think he's referring to my earlier statement that there were drugs in the Amish schools, and there were. I know of one bar in Middlefield, OH that had part of the ceiling reinforced so that the bartender could, when necessary, get the attention of the young, unchurched, Amish men by shooting off a .44. At closing, even in winter, those young men unable to stand were dragged outside and picked up by a farm wagon which rolled them off at their homes.

Once Churched things changed, usually.

Story goes of a very respected Amish leader (I knew him and he was) went into a bar, sat down with a "Yankee" friend, ordered a beer, lit up a cigarette, and said, "Well, this is the last of these I'll have for quite a while."

"What's wrong, Uri?" his friend asked. "Medical problems?"

"No," Uri replied, "they just elected me Bishop."