The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10803   Message #2176984
Posted By: Rowan
22-Oct-07 - 11:37 PM
Thread Name: Cadence or Marching Songs
Subject: RE: Cadence or Marching Songs
Sung by various Oz infantry in WWI (and featuring in "Oh what a lovely war") to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic;

One staff officer jumped right over another staff officer's back
then the second staff officer jumped right over the first staff officer's back;
a third staff office jumped right over the second staff officer's back
then the fourth staff officer jumped right over'll the other staff officers' backs.
They were only playing leap frog
they were only playing leap frog
they were only playing leap frog
when the last staff officer jumped right over'll the other staff officers' backs.

And, sung in MUR in 1963 and other Oz units before (no doubt) and since;
We're a pack of bastards, bastards are we.
We're from Australia, the arsehole of the world and all the universe, oh
we're a pack of bastards, bastards are we.
We'd rather f**k than fight, for liberty!

While I don't know the name of the tune for the latter (and I've never known it to have any other words, let alone polite ones), I noticed it was used by a military band not long ago during a public ceremony sending some Oz troops to Iraq; sensitivities must have become dulled.

Cheers, Rowan