The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105634   Message #2177181
Posted By: jacqui.c
23-Oct-07 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Amazing conversation with a 19 yr. old..
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing conversation with a 19 yr. old..
I became a teenager at the beginning of the 60s. No sex education in schools and none from my parents either. I learned what I knew from the other kids at school but that didn't stop me from getting pregnant at 17 and ending up having to get married, against the wishes of my parents. My first sexual experience was when I was 14.

Now, if there had been sex education and some way to get protection - I didn't even know about condoms then - maybe my life would have been different. Not better, just different.

Some children are probably always going to be starting a sexual life before they are ready - due to ignorance, parental neglect etc. IMO it is better that those children have somewhere to turn to get, at the least, protection against pregnancy and maybe some guidance as to preventing STDs from someone who gives a damn.

I can't ever remember drugs being available when I was at school in North London. Probably a good thing - I was vulnerable enough at that time to be a real target. I worry about my grandchildren, growing up in an age when this becomes more of a problem.