The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #105634   Message #2177213
Posted By: Greg B
23-Oct-07 - 09:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Amazing conversation with a 19 yr. old..
Subject: RE: BS: Amazing conversation with a 19 yr. old..
I graduated high school 30 years ago. Went to a suburban Catholic
high school, considered quite a 'shelter' in the San Francisco
Bay Area (Hayward--- not like it was Berkeley or anything).

Within a week or so of arrival, I was surprised to overhear a schoolmate
trading for LSD by our lockers. We definitely had a 'burn out' clique;
the guys with the pea-coats that reeked of 'resin.'

We also had our share of pregnant girls. And the absurd rule that
once a girl began to 'show,' she was expelled. No exception for rape
or incest. She was out. But abortion was 'murder.' When questioned on
it the old bat that enforced this rule explained that pregnant girls
were a 'bad example.' I never had the nerve to ask her if she felt
like an 'accessory' to 'murder,' since she basically forced girls
who didn't want an unwanted pregnancy to ruin their lives to have
abortions...which she called 'murder.' I'd like to now.

It's one thing to tell kids not to have sex, using whatever
moral, health, and other arguments to influence the decision.

But what kind of control freak needs to hold the 'fear of pregnancy'
gun to their heads in order to get them to comply? It doesn't just
hold the teens themselves hostage it holds the potential child
hostage to being born into an unhappy set of circumstances. And
these are the same hypocrites who drive around with anti-abortion
bumper stickers and talk about the 'sanctity' of 'the family!'

Seems to me like it's all about asserting control over youngsters
at any cost, and without regard to their volition or rights.