The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94419   Message #2177270
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
23-Oct-07 - 10:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cold index finger, diagnosis?
Subject: RE: BS: Cold index finger, diagnosis?
Well actually, in regard to that problem, I should point out that I normally only take aspirin for pain. I would have taken some for that!

Codeine constipates me, and paracetamol just never seems to do much for most aches and pains. My mum pointed that out to me as a kid, as it was something she noticed. When a kid, I often used to get 'growing pains' in arms and legs as my family called them, and only aspirin did anything.

So the aspirin would probably have acted against any clot circulating much...

BTW, now that you have jogged my memory, that same arm had a severe attack of carpal tunnel some years before that. I was diagnosed years later with MMD - micro motor disorder - and that probably led to the CPS, as I was writing using lots of pressure on carbonised paper forms - writing for me needs large muscle control, as I have some hassles with precise fine motor control.